
Forceful letdown but low milk supply - possible? (Long)

DS is 8.5wks old and I EBF.

When he was younger, BF was enjoyable.  After he's done, he has the "milk drunk" look on his face, and he would have no trouble napping for 2 hours afterwards.

Around 5-6 w, things changed.  DS started gulping, and 1-2x/day he coughed and choked.  After he eats, he doesn't look "milk drunk" anymore, but often grunts, arches his back, bops his head. I think he's gassy but he doesn't always burp.  He doesn't cry but just looks uncomfortable. I go to a BF support group and the LC said I have overactive letdown and oversupply.  She suggests I only feed on one side per session, and try reclining position. 

I've been following these suggestions for 3 weeks now.  DS still gulps but rarely coughs and chokes.  He has learned to pop off the breast when the flow is too great, catches his breath, then goes back on.  I don't spray milk when he pops off; if I try to spray milk into the burp cloth, DS screams - he is so impatient that he wants to latch back on immediately. After nursing, he still is uncomfortable grunting etc.

However, for the past 1 week I've noticed:

1) My breasts no longer feel full, even the overnight hours.  They used to feel quite uncomfortable overnight.  

2) My L breast makes less milk than the R.  When he nurses from the L, he will only actively swallow for a few minutes then falls asleep (still comfort sucks but no swallows).  I let him comfort suck/nap for another 5-10 mins then I unlatch him.  However, he wakes up and goes frantic looking for the nipple.  If i latch him back on, he'll do a couple swallows then falls back asleep/comfort sucks.  

3) DS was sleeping 4-hr stretches the first part of the night for weeks.  But the last few nights he is waking up every 2.5 to 3 hrs to nurse.

4) I started having some old blood spotting - is this a sign of my period returning?

All the things I listed made me thinking if my supply has dipped due to me nursing on one side per feed for the last 3 weeks?  I'm wondering if DS is not getting enough milk from just one breast, esp on the left.  And is my period returning b/c my body thinks I'm weaning???

Last night I decided to let him nurse from both sides.  After he ate on the left (15 minutes), I put him on the right and he ate for  another 15 minutes!  I feel like my L isn't making enough milk; but the R still has a forceful letdown (he still pops off at times when nursing on the R).

Any thoughts/suggestions? 

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