August 2013 Moms


Hi, nice to meet you all!  ;)  I just posted basically the same thing on the 1st trimester board, but figured I would see if there are other people on this board.  I was pregnant in early Oct and miscarried between 4 1/2 and 5 weeks.  I waited one cycle and tried again the next month and was very lucky to get pregnant again right away.  I am now 8 weeks (due 8/16) and just had my first sonogram.  We heard the heartbeat and everything measured normal... yippee!  I have been so nervous and can breathe a little easier now.  Here are some questions... I appreciate any input!

  • For those with nausea, what have you been able to eat?  Can you buy psi bands in a store or do you have to order online?  I've been craving things but when it comes to actually eating it seems like I can only do bland stuff and I'm so sick of it because I've been sick with an upper respiratory infection for the past 2 week on top of it and ate a lot of soup and tea for that too.
  • When are you telling family members, friends and coworkers?  I've told my parents and brother so far as well as 2 friends (one is pregnant and one has been through a miscarriage).  I'm hesitant to tell people too soon, but it's really hard to see people and keep it in!
  • Are you doing the first trimester screening?  If so, will you have to go outside your OB and will your insurance cover it?  I was surprised to find out that my Dr only does another sonogram at 20 weeks.
  • Is anyone else planning to move before the baby is born?  Are you nervous about how the timing will work out?  If we don't move in time, I will be pretty far from my OB's office and the hospital where they deliver.  It will all be dependent on how fast we can sell our house and for what price.
  • Anyone else have a lot of liquidy discharge (clear/ brownish) in early pregnancy?  How long did it last if it already stopped?  I feel like I am leaking and told my OB... they said not to worry about it because it can't be amniotic fluid this early, but it still makes me nervous.  Some days it's more than others. 

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