
Refusing to nurse (related to oversupply)

Ladies - I and my two month old are both super-frustrated. He has always latched on really well and nursed really well. He has been putting on good amount of weight as well at least in the recent past , as we havent weighed him for the last 10 days or so. Here is the situation now - for the last 10 days or so, I have realized that I have an oversupply, and an overactive letdown. He pulls away, latches on/off , arches his back etc. And when he pulls away in the first minute or so, there is a fountain of milk coming from my breast. Also his poops have been on the greener side, and wet as well. Block feeding seems to have helped with the poops become yellower, but they are still not as "seedy" as they used to be earlier, still quite wet. 

For the last couple of days, he has been having a super hard time latching on, and gets frustrated if he cant latch on within a second or so. And then cries and screams and refuses to nurse. We are super frustrated!

 Here is what all we have tried working with a LC for oversupply issues:

- positions : cross-cradle with tilting of head so that I can see into his ear canal (this lets the milk dribble down his cheek, vs choking him). And, him lying on top of me and across me when I am reclined. He does not like the football hold at all, we cant seem to get comfortable in that.

- letting the let down spray off elsewhere: when he first latches off, I let the milk fountain spray off into my nursing pad or a burp cloth. Then try to latch him on again.

- block feeding: Our blocks for each breast are now as long as 7-8 hours. 

 Any suggestions on what else can we do? If you went through similar issues, what helped you and how long before it got better?

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