
Help/thoughts wanted

DD2 is almost 3 weeks old. She consistently only wants to eat every 4 hours. By 4 hours that is from start of feeding to start of feeding. Each feeding takes about an hour betweem nursing both sides, burping, keeping her interest, etc. Pedi said just let her go the 4 hours since her weight gain is good. But is this bad for my supply at this stage to have a less frequent demand? I can offer more often but she has little interest. Should I pump some to establish a good supply or will my supply be ok following baby's 4 hours since by the time she is done its only about 3 until she eats again? I have to go back to work at 10 weeks and want to have success pumping and I know this is the time to establish a good supply so I worry her 4 hours won't set us up for pumping success down the road.
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