
Do you give baby vitamins?

My MIL asked me yesterday if I was giving LO iron and fluoride.  I told her I wasn't, and that the pediatrician never said anything to me about ANY vitamins.  She seemed a little miffed and told me that breastfed babies need fluoride for their teeth (because formula-fed babies get it through the water mixed with their formula).  She gave her children fluoride drops because they have well-water, but we have city water and I'm assuming she gets some fluoride from ME drinking the water?  According to kellymom there is no evidence that giving fluoride to infants is beneficial to later dental health... but anyways, just wondering if anyone else has an opinion on this.  MIL will be staying with us for another week (visiting from another state) and wants to go to the pediatrician appointment with me tomorrow... I'm scared she's going to ask him all kinds of questions that I don't think are necessary/relevant.  Ugh!

Also, I've seen some posts on other boards about poly-vi-sol, d-vi-sol, etc., and there were A LOT of responses from other moms about how they've been giving them since LO was born (started in the hospital).  I don't know a single thing about them - am I the only one who isn't giving them to baby??  I know vitamin D is important, but we live near the coast in North Carolina and go for daily walks, so she gets at least 30 minutes of sunshine on most days.

Any other vitamins/supplements I should know about?  I feel lost! 

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