
When do I start pumping? how much is normal to pump at one time?

I start school in 2 weeks, 

I will only be gone for 4 hrs at a time, 3 days a week...

But I'm not sure when do I start pumping to have milk stored up for him?

And what is a normal amount to pump at once? so far I've pumped 3 times.. .once I got 2 oz from both breast combined, and the other two times I only managed to get 1 oz  out of both combined.

I'm thinking I need a better pump, I was given a hand pump from the hospital lactation consultant... and I'm not sure if it doesnt have a good suction or not?

Then also I am wondering what are good pumps? I am going to order one soon & not sure what to look for.

please help, lol i need all the basics on pumping this my first. he is only  10 days old

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