
Worried about weaning

I have ebf my son since birth, and he's five and a half months. I have really enjoyed nursing him, and we haven't had many issues past the first week thankfully. I'm a working mom, and my son actually refuses bottles and waits for me to come home on my lunch. He nurses at 7, 730 then I go to work, nurses at 1130 and 1230, then when I get home at 5, then cluster feeding until bed at 8. He normally wakes at 2 and 5.

I really like the bond, and I had a hard time feeling like a mom, feeling the bond. I think nursing has helped me feel like a better mom, and as 6 months approaches, I worry about weaning.

I worry that I'll lose my bond, that I'll lose my "secret weapon" to get him to sleep. I worry that without breastfeeding I'll have a harder time being a mom!

It's inevitable. I have a big work trip for two weeks out of the country, and I want him to be able to take a bottle or a dippy cup without me worrying! Also, I know it shouldn't matter but i worry that people will think it's weird to nurse him past six months.

I love nursing at night and the mornings and weekends, but that middle of the day feeding is one I would like to drop.

Okay so much rambling. Thoughts? Advice?
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