
Newborn Chomps on Nipple [[AmyG]]

Amy, I was wondering if you could offer any help...[or anyone else]

My sister just had her second daughter on 1/3. She bf'd her first DD for a year, so this isn't her first go 'round.

She's having a terrible time with bf'ing her new DD though. Baby chomps down on my sis's nipple and has a very strong suck. When my sis tries to unlatch her, it's very hard to break the latch, and it's painful. My sis has tried different positions and tries to get Baby to latch deeper, but Baby only latches to her nipple. The pedi checked her and said she's not tongue tied. He had Baby suck on his finger and she chomped on him and sucked really hard. He told my sis he feels sorry for her. : / Baby's tongue does extend over her lower gums.

The hospital LC said Baby has a narrow jaw or something like that.

My sis has never responded well to the pump, so that isn't really an option. She could try hand expressing and syringe feeding, to give her nipples a little break...

I was wondering if a nipple shield might help...? I've run out of suggestions at this point. My sis has an acquaintance who used to be an LC, she just talked to her on the phone, but she didn't have any new suggestions. [Sis has been home from the hospital since yesterday].

Baby is still losing weight, but has not lost 10 percent of her birth weight. She was born on her due date, and was 7 lb, 6 oz. I don't know her current weight. She's had 2 wet diapers and 1 poopy one today.

Any thoughts on how to get Baby to latch deeply and stop chomping down? I don't think she's chomping due to over active letdown. The chomping started from the get go. - I'm well on my way to getting absolutely nothing done today.
DD1: allergic to eggs, dairy, soy Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
c/p 4/1/11

DD2: milk and soy protein intolerant, allergic to cashews Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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