Pregnant after IF

Pictures and LONG Over due birth story :)

Hey all - sorry it took me so long to get to this i havent been on a computer before today... my house is a revolving door of visitors for our little man. This is going to be LONG as it was a long 24 hours before his arrival... So bear with me. We started off last friday with an induction due to my terrible PUPPPS rash and him being transverse. Apparently the doctor who scheduled my version and induction didnt pass along the information not to eat before coming in.. so we almost came home before we even started.. but luckily when they checked him on the ultrasound he was head down so she decided to break my water. Broke water at about 5pm Friday.. and the plan was to see if i would go into labor on my own and if i didnt we'd start pitocin in the AM after I got a good nights sleep.I was 80% effaced and about 3 cm.. I was having regular contractions but not strong enough to make significant changes. 11am the next morning we started pitocin and my pain management plan was nubane at first and then an epidural if needed... however 30 min after the pitocin i was crying for the epidural. The doctor had me wait another half hour to make sure we wouldnt slow the contractions down. The labor came on WAY to hard and WAY to quick... every 30 secs i was having a contraction but was only 5 cm dilated. Got my epidural (while the anestheologist and nurses argued and talked about each other every time one left the room... totally made me uncomfortable!) and slept for a few hours but then it started to wear off on one side.. so they tried to turn me to that side and his heart rate went out... everyone rushed in with oxygen and flipped me back and it was the scariest thing I have ever experienced. They hooked him up to the monitor that sticks to his head, and the contraction thing inside too (forget the names of this) at this point. His heart rate proceded to drop 2 more times before the doctor finally took me off pitocin and gave me 1 more hour of labor on my own before she would consider doing a C section. I begged her to do one then and there but she wanted to wait. the 4th time his heart rate went out, and when I was stuck at 8 CM she decided a section was the way to go. So at 6:22 pm my beautiful baby boy was born :) I didnt get to enjoy my husband and Braydens first meeting because I was too busy puking on the table. :/ but Nick did come over and lay him on my chest before they left the room :) He was 7lbs 10 oz and was 20 inches long. I have to laugh at his weight because they kept telling me i was having a 8-9lb baby! He lost 10 oz in the hospital but gained 12 back within 3 days of being home and after mastering breastfeeding (with the help of a shield) :) He's doing great sleeping and waking to eat every 3-4 hours.. We couldnt be happier :) It was a crazy 24 hours, but so worth the wait. Well ladies - It has been an awesome journey with you all and I plan on checking in with you all from time to time and wish you all a happy and healthy rest of your pregnancies! :) See you over on SAIF very soon... and now for the best part... the PICTURES ! Congrats if you hung on to this story for this long.. lol Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App
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