3rd Trimester

Preterm labor questions

hi there ladies! I'm currently 32 weeks pregnant and started having consistent contractions the night before last. They got stronger, closer together, and then I had some spotting. Got my feet up, drank tons of water, and they kept coming so my OB sent me to the hospital to get checked out around 5pm yesterday. Contractions were 6 mins apart and increasing in intensity, lower back pain and so forth. I remember feeling this way when contractions started with my first so of course I was a bit scared. I have been feeling super run down and "flu-y" for about a week or so, but not sick (again, how I felt at 38 weeks with my DD). After checking me, I had progressed to 40% effaced and started to dilate so they gave me a shot of terbutaline, which didn't totally stop contractions but made them way less intense and caused them to space out to about every 20 mins. Then sent me home with instructions to rest and stay hydrated until I talk to my OB on monday. 

Has anyone else have this happen to them? Did your labor end up coming back? When did you actually end up having baby (how many weeks were you?) 

I'm just a bit nervous because anytime before 34 weeks, I'd get sent 2 hours away to our nearest city hospital and I don't want to have this little baby in the NICU because of preterm complications...not to mention being away from my DD or DH for weeks on end. The whole experience just has me a bit paranoid now...

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