
Pumping during growth spurts?

I suspect that LO is heading into her 6 week growth spurt... She's been eating much more frequently, often switching sides 2 or 3 times during a session because she starts bobbing her head, latching/unlatching, and crying.  It seems like she's starving during some sessions and I feel like she's sucking me dry - the only time I've felt any engorgement during the last few days is first thing in the morning.

I've been pumping one breast in the AM and one in the PM to start getting her used to taking a bottle in preparation for daycare, and also to start building a small stash.  I've only been pumping for about 5 or 6 days.

Since she's eating a little more often and needing to switch sides frequently to keep her happy, it makes me feel like I shouldn't pump because I'm taking milk away that she could be easily getting.  Do you all continue to pump (for stash purposes) during growth spurts?  Should I take a break or keep doing what I'm doing?  

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