August 2013 Moms

Good God what a Morning.....

I've been up since 1:30 this morning when I had some bleeding (not pink or brown, but BRIGHT red, and covering the whole tissue).  I wanted to see if it went away after a few hours but had another big gush at 8am. 

DH is out of town for the weekend, so I called my mother and she took me to the ER.  They took blood and did a pelvic (cervix nice and closed), and a TV Ultrasound and I got to see little bean!!!!! 

They couldn't figure out the source of the bleed. They said I might just be one of those women who "bleeds the whole first tri" and that unfortunately, I'd have to be checked out every time it happens.  BUT baby's heart rate was 117.  At 6 weeks and 1 day, I'm hoping that's normal, but I don't think I've seen any numbers that low from people posting about the first hb sighting..... I'm a nervous ninny. Can you tell?

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