3rd Trimester

Work Vent! XP!

XP to BMB! 

I am so frustrated with work right now! I am currently working as a part time receptionist at the nursing home I was formerly an STNA at. I will come back as a full time STNA once LO is born. But I was informed yesterday that I will not recieve FMLA because my hours were cut so I do not meet the requirements. I will have to turn in a 2 week notice and then they will re-hire me when I am ready to come back. Sucky but not a HUGE deal, right? Well today I told my schedular that I have to leave early (430 as opposed to 6) to pick my car up from the shop and she informed me that the Director of Nursing complained to our Admin about "Us girls" leaving early on the weekends. Seriously? Do they not understand that we work 8.5 hours a day on our weekends and DO NOT get a single break?! No 15 minute. No lunch. We eat at the desk and pray the phone doesnt ring when we gotta pee! BUT...and heres the kicker...they take a 30 minute lunch out of our checks everyday. So essentially I am working at least 1 hour and sometimes 2 per pay period that I am not getting paid for! If I need to leave early occasionally I think that kinda evens out, right? I hope our Admin sees it that way, because I just put a note in his mailbox stating that if he felt it was an issue than perhaps we should work something out so that "Us girls" get a regular break too!

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