August 2013 Moms

Moms with potty trained children come in..

So DS is 8 and DD is 5 both still wet the bed. DD I am not so worried about, she is kind of better at it than her big brother and only wets on rare occasions so she can go weeks without wetting. DS however wets at least once a week. I do not allow them to drink past dinner and on the weekends they go to bed late and I always make sure to make them go potty before bed. Last night they didn't go to bed until 11 and DS yep you guessed it woke up and told me that he had wet the bed. They both have protective covers over their mattress so as not to ruin them because I refuse to keep buying pull ups or goodnites or whatever. I know it is something that they can't help but I am just shy of putting an alarm in DS room to wake him up at night to go. I am tired of washing sheets. They say not to worry until they reach the age of about 10, just with the new baby coming it really does get old having to wash his sheets all the time and I am just frustrated.
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