3rd Trimester

30 week ultrasound... baby is over 4 pounds!!

So I had an ultrasound the other day and they put all the measurement in and said that his weight was 4 lbs something (can't remember) oz. The ultrasound tech said that was the size for someone around 33 1/2 weeks and I'm only 30 1/2 weeks. Now I'm freaking out! Every ultrasound I have had so far said baby was measuring small so they moved my due date from 03/08 to 03/12. Now he's huge. I am planning on delivering at a birth center so I'm really scared of having like a 10 lb baby. Did anyone else have a similar situation where baby measure big at this stage! Help, I'm freaking out.

P.S. I haven't gained a ton of weight, 14 lbs so far, so I don't know why he would be so big. Do you think a super healthy diet would help make sure he doesn't get too big?

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