August 2013 Moms

Really Annoyed by Family

Okay, so my uncle and his wife had their first child two days ago. Yay for them.

A couple of things have annoyed me since then.

1) All of their facebook friends knew about the baby's birth before their family. We had to find out on facebook well after everyone else in the world that they know found out.

2) They are posting every single detail of their baby on facebook... with pictures. Baby's first diaper change. Baby's first bottle. Every single person who has visited them and posed with the baby. Baby's first nap (okay that part was an exaggeration, the rest are true though!). 

 I will admit, I'm super cranky about all of this. Probably because of the way they've treated the family (our side) in general since they got together.

Am I being whiny? Yes. 

Do I have a legit reason to be upset with them? That's up for debate.

I'm not in a good mood so obviously I needed something to complain about. Apparently this is what I chose. 

I suck. 

BabyFruit Ticker
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