
how many and how long?

H,i First time mommy here with an 8.5 month old. I breastfeed and then pump 3 days a week while I am at work.  Baby has always been a little snacker, but has always been between 50-70percentile, so we know she is getting enough. At least at her last apt at 6 months.  My pumping output has decreased slowly. I pump 2-3 quick times at work and average about 10 oz. during that time. Does this sound like enough?  My daughter drinks about 12 oz while I am working. Does this sound like enough?

 When she nurses she will drink for a minute or two and unlatch until I switch her to the other side where she does the same thing, I switch again, and again until she will not latch anymore to either side. Total she will nurse approx. 5 minutes.  She nurses around 5-6 times a day. This has been going on for awhile now. Even as a new baby she only nursed 10 minutes.

I'm wondering how long your baby nurses and how many sessions at this age? I have also been giving her 3 solid meals a day, this hasn't changed her nursing habits. 

Just looking for any insight, opinions advice. Wondering about supply. Wondering about eating habits at this age and etc.  Our dr says she is getting enough because she gains weight.  She also thinks she is a very efficient nurser. She says that she sucks more out than the pump pumps out.

Oh...she gets up usually 1-2 times a night too. many times she has slept 12 straight hours though.


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