3rd Trimester

So discouraged ... Vent warning!

Where to start. At 37 weeks I started having contractions nightly for about a week. They came nightly Tues-Fri and then I had them all day Saturday. They started getting painful and closer, so I got in the tub to relax and they stopped. A few days later, my baby turned breech. After the week of contractions, I dilated to a 1 and lo st my mucus plug. LO stayed breech for a week and a half. I did spinning babies, ice pack on the top of my belly, heating pad on the botto, played music down there ... But it wasn't until I went to a Webster technique certified chiropractor for an adjustment that the baby turned. I was so relieved since I'm trying for a VBAC. I know not many babies turn at 38.5 weeks. I was hoping after she turned back to head down that contractions would pick back up and I would start progressing again. Fast forward to this week. I've been feeling a ton more pressure in my pelvis and LO's movements have become less drastic, leading me to believe she's engaging and things are getting closer. I've been worried about not going into labor on my own (I was induced with DD1), so we've tried everything under the sun- besides caster oil- to jump start labor this week. Last night I decided to go for a walk and contractions really picked up and were painful. When DH got home from work, we went and walked at the mall. Same thing, contractions picked up. When we got home, I was still having contractions, but nothing timeable. I decided to go to bed at about 11, but I had a hard time falling asleep because I was having uncomfortable contractions that kept waking me up. I was really hoping I would wake up in labor in the night. But alas, I woke up with no contractions. 

So, today I had my 40 week appt (39w6d). I was going to ask my OB to strip my membranes to move things along. I thought for sure I would be a 2-3 and a sweep would push me over the ledge. So my OB checks me ... and I'm still a 1 and she can't even get her finger in to strip my membranes. She gave me 10 days to go into labor on my own before we talk gentle induction/RCS. Ugh, I'm just so disappointed and trying to relax about it and let my body go into labor on its own, but its really disappointing to have all these contractions and no progress. I know this sounds ridiculous, but I feel like I'm going to be pregnant forever. 

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