
Will this even work??

I am wanting to EBF but will only have 8 weeks off of work. I plan to start pumping about 4 weeks before I have to go back to work to build stash for when I go back. I am a teacher and do not really have any time during the day to actually pump. I have a 45 minute planning period but end up with meetings during that time most days and there are only a one or two days a week that I do not have some sort of duty during lunch/recess. There will only be about 9 weeks of school left so my goal is to pump enough for the school days during those 9 weeks and still nurse in the mornings, after school and on the weekends. After that I will be on summer break and ideally would like to go back to just nursing during the day. I guess my question here is if that is even a feasible plan. Will my supply adjust to that? Thank you for any feedback I am a FTM and do not know anybody that has breast fed before.
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