
Holy crap.... I felt a need to share my story

Well my first son came on 12/11/2012 at 6:31pm by C-section. Only this wasn't a normal case by any means... It started when I went in for my 36 week check up and strep test. The midwife asked if I wanted her to check my lady parts since she would be down there so I said yep. Well she couldn't find my cervix, Period. She said this was a first for her. She said she was the one they called when the other nurses had trouble. Also my son was sitting so low in my pelvis that it blew her away.She said I went down in her history books. Well after all that digging around she just said to watch the contractions I was having closely.She couldnt tell what was going on. Two days later I decided to time my contractions( they didnt hurt but I'd had them for days).I was 4 min apart and lasting just over a min. I stood up to call a nurse and had this excruciating pain in my side. Sent me to my knees.

Went to hospital and they searched for my cervix again... no prevail. Had 4 people dig around in there... including the doctor. Kept me over night and put me on petocin around noon the next day. Still didn't feel anything but that pain in my side. We sat around for 4 hours and then they checked me again. Still had no changes in my cervix. Also I couldn't lay on my back. My sons heart rate would drop dangerously low immediately. Last time they checked my cervix we couldnt get his heart rate to come back. That was the scariest and longest few minutes of my life. The doctor decided to take me in for C-section. I was ready to go in 30 min. They took me in and cut me open. He was here in about 15 min. Heard him cry after a min or two and they brought him to me while I was still on the operating table. . All I remember, aside from what I said above, is this terrible uncontrollable shaking just when they took my in. Then I passed out. Two hours of surgery and an hour in recovery later I was taken to my room. The doctor came in to tell me I had a Bi cornate Uterus, its very rare and very dangerous. The best way to describe it is heart shaped with two chambers. On top of that I had 3 tears in it and was bleeding out all that time we were waiting. My son was wedged into the largest tear slowing my bleeding. He saved my life when I gave him his. I lost 900ml of blood and have a rag tag uterus now but my son was happy and healthy at 6 lb 11 oz. Any smaller and he could have sipped into my abdomen through that tear, any bigger and I may not have made it into surgery in time. Im am so greatfull to be here with my son. He was 2 and a half weeks early and I am sure glad lol. 3 weeks later and I am still bleeding and sore. So thats my story :)  

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