3rd Trimester

Sorry, this is totally ridiculous...

Baby number three and you would think I wouldn't be so clueless! With DD I was induced, with DS c section... The only contractions I've ever felt before this point were the result of pitocin. My stomach keeps getting hard as a rock, baby doesn't move... Contraction, right? I also have some minor cramping near my hips on both sides and the lower right side of my back. Most of my time "relaxing" I can't get comfortable at all and just ache. I havent had any of this really until last night. I know this is all pretty normal, but the doctor told me to call if my contractions are regular... Should I be paying closer attention and timing what I think are contractions or wait until they start to hurt? This baby is a planned csection for 1/14 so I don't really want to labor, but I also don't want anything to happen sooner than that unless it absolutely is necessary. My next appointment is Wednesday, and I'm good waiting until then, but don't want to be stupid. Any input is helpful : TIA
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