3rd Trimester

Back Labor??

I went into preterm labor at 32 weeks and I am now at 35 weeks 5 days.  I didn't even know I was preterm labor because my pain was all in my lower back and felt like really bad menstrual cramps.  I am starting to have the same pain now, but I dont want to call my doc unless I am sure it is labor.  They gave me steroids and mag drip when I was in the hospital at 32 weeks and said at 35 they wouldn't stop my labor.  It hasn't gotten worse yet.  Its like a constant ache and it gets stronger at times but then just goes back to the same dull pain.  I've had the pain for about 12 hours now and it hasn't gone away at all.  Trying to sleep was miserable!  Did anybody else have a similar pain during labor??  I'm a FTM.
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