3rd Trimester

Feeling Down Right Hateful


 Self rant sorry in advance and thanks for reading ....

I would have thought I would have been past all these emotional feelings, and to be honest I do not even think it is me being emotional, but I have been so incredibly irritable these last few days. I am almost positive no one has done any thing to me to make me feel this way, but I seriously want to tell every one who is not my DH to go on some where (and that is putting it nicely) What is wrong with me I feel like I am just being downright hateful towards ppl.   

For instance, I have a coffee date with my bff in a few hours, and I am sitting here fuming that she made me wait 3 weeks to see her because she can not manage to get up before 2:30 in the afternoon ( I am busy at night I have a family to cook for and school age daughter) and in this 3 weeks she has made time for everyone else in her life. I know I am being irrational and childish  ... I keep telling myself that but I can not seem to snap out of my incredibly irritable childish state.  Pregnancy symptom or am I just being a huge b**ch all on my own?? I am usually a lot more sane...So sick of myself right now lol. 

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