3rd Trimester

Can I please get a Doctor with common sense (Vent)

So I was diagnosed recently with GD, when I saw the Dietitian Wed. she gave me a metor with enough supplies to test for 2 days. One of my doctors sent in the script for supplies to a company way out of state, they told me the metor would not be at my house till late next week.

 So as recommended by my Dietitian I called my insurance, to find out if there was a local supplier. Turns out there were several, so I called my Doctor and told them what my insurance said. I found as well that my local pharmacy was one of them.

So the fill in Doctor "M" called in the script after I spoke to him telling him that I needed strips, lancets, and a refill for prenatals. About 2 hours later I called CVS they said they recived a script for prenatals that arent't covered by my insurance and test strips for a OneTouch metor, which I told him I had a Freestyle. My insurance also doesn't cover OneTouch. I called back aggrivated, I explained to the triage nurse what "M" had sent in, she said she would correct it and call me back. About 3 hours later she calls me and informed me that she verified that the Vitamins were covered, but due to CVS's system being down for medical supplies they couldn't fill the Strips and lancets yet.

I just called CVS to see if they system was back up, which they said yes. I asked since they don't seem to call me anymore if my script was filled. She checked and said yes the Freestyle strips are filled, I asked her well what about the Lancets? She said they didn't have a script for them. I told her that the doctor sent in a script with both Lancets and Strips on it, she checked and said the script only said strips. I told her that is stupid, a lot of good that does me if I have the strips but nothing to poke my finger with. 

So now I am waiting on a fill in doctor to call back to correct this.

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