
Frequency of feedings

DS is almost 6 months and right now, we do 6 feedings a day, and I'd say he averages about 5 - 7 minutes on each feeding.  I'm not home during the day, he won't take pumped milk due to high lipase level (can't scald the milk at work), and he won't take more than 2 ounces of formula, so out of the 6 feedings a day, 3 of them end up being MOTN feedings.  DS also eats solids with gusto, so he is not waking up in the MOTN to eat, but rather, I wake him up to eat because I'm worried that he is not getting enough during the day.

I'm exhausted.  So I'm wondering, can I drop one of the MOTN feedings?  Is 5 feedings to little? 

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