3rd Trimester

Breech Baby Here

So today I find out that my baby is most likely breech. I wanted an all natural, med free, vaginal water birth so getting a c section wasn't what I had in mind.However, now that it's a possibility, I kind of don't care !

I mean I figure it this way, I will try to get him to flip with different postures and positions etc, but I'm not going to be nuts about it. If he flips he flips, if he doesn't he doesn't and we'll just schedule a C-section. I don't really want to have to do that but I figure if I have to get one I can just skip the whole labor part and get a baby in 20min right? lol

So two questions for ya'll : 

 1) I'm wondering whether you've had a breech before and if they flipped.


2) If anyone out there can give input on how they felt about having a scheduled C section. Did you feel like cheated out of the labor experience if you did schedule a C section or grateful you didn't have to do it?


Pregnancy Ticker Owner & Creator of www.GreatestKidsGames.com
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