August 2013 Moms


I just had my third and final early ultrasound, and everything looked perfect. The embryo is appropriately blobular, measuring right on target, and had a kickass heart rate of 166 bpm. I guess this means I've graduated from my RE! 

Although my first two ultrasounds looked good, I had a lot of anxiety going in to this one. (I guess that's not surprising for a PgAL-er.) But I am officially more pregnant than I have ever been before, and I am starting to feel like maybe I'll get to stick around. 

BFP #1 and m/c on 10/24/2010 ~6wks
BFP #2 07/12/2012 (EDD 03/23/13); m/c 07/28/12
BFP #3 12/05/2012 (EDD 08/19/2013)
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