August 2013 Moms

Newbie Intro

Hello August mommies- I am new to the boards and wanted to find somewhere to go through this pregnancy with others.

 I am 39, DH is 41 and this is my second pregnancy.  I have a healthy, happy 5 year old boy at home.  He is an IVF miracle (unexplained infertility) and we just did IVF in November for this pregnancy.  We skipped all the other stuff this time (did a year of treatments last time), so it was much easier on me.  We transferred three great embryos on December 3rd.  I got a positive HPT before getting my beta on 12/14- which was 488 at 14dpo.  It since went up, more than quadrupled in 4 days to almost 2500. 

 7 week (first) ultrasound is tomorrow.  I'll be completely shocked if there is only one in there.  I had a strong feeling it is two.  I've felt much different this pregnancy and my P4 is off the charts (120) and betas are very high as well (which i know doesn't always mean much)- i am sure my age has something to do with it- but I am healthy, good weight etc.  Feeling extremely tired, nauseous (always have horrible morning sickness), but belly is already showing.  No bleeding, but lots of cramping and twitches.  My beta with DS was only 171. This time 488.

Very excited and nervous to see what tomorrow's u/s brings.  We are blessed with whatever God throws our way, one, two or three, but really hoping for just one or two for the safety of the babies.   Struggling to get through the work days already- I have an office job- as a marketing manager and am a Disney travel agent independently on the side, but I am just exhausted!!  So ready for second tri already!

Just wanted to share my story and introduce myself! I am in Plano, TX. 

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Michelle- 39, DH 41 Mom to 5yo boy (IVF) Latest pregnancy- IVF #1- ER- 11/30 ET- 3 day, 12/3- 3 8 cell embies Beta- 14dpo- 488 Beta- 18dpo- 2500 7 week U/S 1/4- TWINS! EDD 8/21/13
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