August 2013 Moms


Question for all you second time mommies out there...

Did you use a bellaband for your first pregnancy? How did it go?

I'm definitely ordering one..and soon.. but was just unsure on the sizing. The website basically says to order based on your 'pre-pregnancy' size, which would make me a size 1 bellaband. (The ingrid and isabel brand) But that seems odd to me..shouldn't I be buying a bigger size as I will likely grow into it?

 anyone ordered one yet or used one?

I need to order soon as I'm in Canada and it can take a few weeks to get here, so figure better order now so I have it when I want it entering second trimester!

Thanks for the input gals! 

 (also, just an aside.. I can't find them in Canada anywhere so I HAVE to order it online, which is the worrisome part about the sizing, I can't really see it in person first) 

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