August 2013 Moms

Flu Vaccine?

So in my area the flu is hitting harder and earlier than normal. We already have 3 deaths (6 month old, 6 year old, and 13 year old) from the flu. (Well last I knew they were assuming it was the flu but they wouldn't know until the autopsy had been done). Anyway DH and I are not flu shot people we never have been.

I got the flu at 5.5 weeks pregnant with DD and she was fine, although I realize we could have just been lucky, although I did get it just before DD was born.

My concerns are as follows normally if we didn't have DD and I weren't pregnant we wouldn't even consider it. Now though I am concerned, right now DD and I are both getting over a sickness so we would have to wait a week or so to get the vaccine anyway and since DD hasn't had one yet the way I understand it she would need two to actually make her immune which wouldn't really make her immune until mid Feb anyway and at that point the risk drops quite a bit. As for me CDC says that although in first tri they haven't done significant testing 'the benefits of the vaccine outweigh any potential risks' (that is first tri only they have declared it to be totally safe during 2nd and 3rd.)  Anyway that is my ramble. I am always leery of new/unnecessary vaccines, but I don't mess around with ones that prevent potentially deadly viruses. In the past they haven't been confident that the vaccine they were giving was even the strand that was going around however this year they have confirmed it is. 

IDK I am rambling, basically what are your flu vaccine plans? 

PS If we opt not to do the shot this season we will skip play groups, I won't take her shopping with me, we wont go the story time etc until March which will stink but better safe than sorry. 

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