3rd Trimester

had my 39 week check up! long sorry.

So today i had my weekly check up and i'm 3cm 75% effaced and she didn't tell me the station [plus or minus] she was checking the babys position which i would assume she is still head down bc she didn't say anything.  maybe she was talking and i was just too concerned about how uncomfortable it was to pay attention lol.

so my dr. was out of the office and this was his nurse practitioner who did my exam and she said that next week would put me past my due date, so they are going to send me for a NST. and then go to my weekly check up after & that's when we would talk about being induced. [if baby isn't here by then!]

She seemed hopefull that I wouldn't go too far past my due date. I know doesn't mean anything. last week I was only 1cm 60% so i made some progress. [which was 38 weeks, which i finally dilated bc at 36 &37 i was closed] 

I have it scheduled for the 8th. :)

I'm nervous that I could go any day now. Nervous to be induced [Only one person told me it isn't that bad. she was induced with of her kids. i've read/heard that it is painful] I'm also nervous for baby to be in there past 40 weeks.

I'm also slightly confused about everything! I see my dr. last week I saw his partner because he wanted me to and then I've seen the NP who i saw today.

Labor-Dr. says contractions for more then two hours.Partner- I asked how far apart they she be she said 5 minutes or if they're really painful. [dr. never said this] and NP-said the 511 rule. and to only call if they are extremely painful, can't talk/walk/breathe through them

Movement- dr. he said as long as i feel something it's a reassurance but if i don't feel anything in 24 hours to call. P- Any questions about movement, call. NP- Eat drink, if I don't feel 10 movements in 2 hours, call.

Maybe they're all saying the same thing and I'm just paranoid and worried and over thinking it all!

Just needed to say this to clear my mind. Thanks :) 

any tips on natrually helping my body start labor would be appreciated! i've heard walking, but it's too cold, like 30 degrees outside and I don't want to get sick. I've been feeling a lot of contractions just not timing them. maybe I should start practicing timing them.

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