Pregnant after IF


When should you be concerned about them? For starters, they aren't labor contractions. They are BH and last a minute to two minutes at a time. But I've had so many more yesterday and today than I've had in the past. I didn't count them yesterday, but it had to be at least 10. Today I'm up to 8. I have an OB appointment tomorrow. Would you wait until then to bring it up or call today? I am still feeling regular movement so that makes me think I am over reacting, so feel free to say if you think I am.

Oh and I am drinking the same amount of fluids as I normally do, so I don't think it's dehydration. I notice that I am getting them when I walk to the bathroom or around the office.
TTC since 4/2010 - Me: 29 DH: 29
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