August 2013 Moms

Beautiful Day! (An Intro)

Officially coming out of lurking status today and so thrilled!

DH and I are expecting our first on 8/25/13.  We've been very cautious and often worried as I had an early m/c back in August - a blighted ovum.  We've been through IF treatments but we are very fortunate that this BFP was a natural cycle.

Yesterday I lost all pregnancy symptoms - boobs deflated and no longer sore, had lots of energy, and zero nausea (I didn't have much to begin with though).  I kept myself up all night with worry so decided to call the doctor this morning.  They scheduled an u/s today and we saw baby and heard the heartbeat!!  SO amazing!

We are feeling so blessed and are grateful beyond belief! And I guess I will no longer complain about not really "feeling" pregnant :)

Excited to be on this journey with all of you!

ETA: I'm 6 weeks and 4 days today.  I thought I added a ticker, but don't see it yet. Hmmm...

BabyFruit Ticker
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