August 2013 Moms

Another Intro :)

Hi, everyone! I'm cautiously posting my intro to this BMB. I say cautiously because this seriously doesn't feel real. I've been lurking and recognize some ladies from the IF board. 6 weeks today! We've only been able to get the results of beta #1. Because of the holidays I had to wait for beta #2 until yesterday. Well now my RE's office is closed until Monday, so I won't get the results until then. Frustrating! Of course, I POAS yesterday to make myself feel better. Super fast and dark. No real symptoms yet, which of course is making me nuts. I had some brown spotting and a little cramping last week. RE said all normal. Otherwise I sit here feeling totally behind because I haven't even gotten my second beta and others from the IF board on my same schedule are going in for ultrasounds. Dang! My time will come. Happy to be here! EDD is August 29.
TTC since 2/11 - Unexplained IF B/W revealed high prolactin levels. Taking bromocriptine for prolactin.
IUI #1-3 = BFN
IVF November = Cancelled (undermedicated = small follicles)
IVF December = ER 12/6 - 6R/4M/Only 1F
Transfered our one and only blast (3AA) on 12/11
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