August 2013 Moms

Thank goodness for u/s!

I had my first appt with my OB today.  I wasn't sure if she would try to find the HB with the doppler but she did.  And she couldn't find it.  I tried to stay calm and keep my cool.  She asked questions..."Do you have a tilted uterus?" etc.  After a few minutes with no luck it was off to u/s I went.  Let me tell you, those 5 minutes I had to wait were TORTURE.  I was shaking so much and trying not to think the worst but after my loss in Sept it was hard to be optimistic (eventhough I know it is pretty normal to not hear the HB on doppler this early)

But there was my beautiful little baby!  Moving all around with a strong HR of 165!  Whew.  Tears of joy!

The u/s tech did confirm that I do have a tilted uterus.  So for my own sanity I'm putting my home doppler away for a few weeks!

Hope everyone is having a great day!

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
BFP # 2 9/6/12 - M/C 9/25/12
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