Pregnant after IF

L and D fun and BH question update to fluid post below

The good news is that I was not leaking fluid... I was apparently having mild contractions! Honestly, I didn't feel anything out of the ordinary until they laid me down and strapped the monitor on me. It was most likely dehydration; I hadn't had anything to drink since I left work because I have an hour and a half commute... Then nothing before we went to the hospital. Whoops. They gave me terbutaline to stop the contractions, which made me super jittery.

There was also the awesomeness of almost passing out when she put my IV in, as well as the longest ultrasound in history made even longer by my jitters. I didn't even get to see any of it but DH did.

My cervix is closed and the boys look good, so all is well now, I just have to remember to drink!

My question is that the nurse told me I shouldn't be having any contractions at this point, however I'm assuming what I had was BH, and I thought that was fairly common. Not that I shouldn't be drinking more, I know I need to She told me to come back if I had any contractions at all. Anybody else have experience with BH?
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Me: 29, DH 29

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