3rd Trimester

Repeat csecion and uterine rupture fears

When I had my first baby he was born at 39 weeks (8lbs even) via emergency csection. His heart rate kept dropping. My second child was born at 38 weeks (7 lbs 14 oz.) after a failed attempt at a VBAC. I had a failure to progress. Never dilated past a 5.

After my second csection my doctor told me that I had a uterine window and he thought if I had labored much longer, it would have ruptured. He told me that each contraction I had stretched my scar instead of dilating my cervix, so the next time I had a baby he would not allow me to labor at all and would take the baby no later than 38 weeks.

Well, fast forward to now. Ive moved to a new state and have a new doctor. Ive told her all of this, but she doesn't seem all that concerned. She still plans to have my csection at 39 weeks. I'm nervous because on Sunday I felt the baby then on Monday night I lost my plug. Since then, I've had contractions pretty much all day every day. Nothing consistant or super painful, but many of them take my breath away.

My next appt is today so I plan on discussing all of this with my doctor today, but I just wanted to get a few outside opinions. Am I right to be nervous or am I just being paranoid? I'm terrified that if I continue to contract like I am that my scar will rupture. But at the same time, I don't want to be in and out of L&D these last few weeks because I'm paranoid. Also, should I ask my doctor if we should take the baby at 38 weeks? I know these last few weeks are crucial to lung development but I'm nervous about going too long.

Any thoughts or advice?

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