
Traveling w/o Baby?

My DH won an all expenses paid trip for the two of us to Costa Rica through his employer. My nursing son will be nearly 7 months old when we go at the end of Feb. He is EBF and just takes an occassional bottle of EBM when I'm away from him for a few hours. I think we'd be gone a total of 4-5 days. I'm planning to build a stash over the next 2 months for him and, of course, pump while we're gone. Do you think it's completely unrealistic and awful of me to consider leaving him for a few days? I'm just trying to suppress the guilt of leaving him already. :( I don't think bringing him along is an option.
Mom to Lily Gayle 4.25.06 Charlotte Kathleen 3.27.09 Samuel Thomas ~8.4.12~
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