
Pump or wait?

I had been pumping 2 times a night before bed- about 3 weeks ago.

I had low supply and was trying to "up" my frozen stash as it had dwindled. I'm a full time working mommy. Fenugreek, gatorade, and oatmeal helped a bunch. THEN, LO went through a growth spurt, was sick, and got a new tooth in a 2 week time span. 

Goodbye to my nightly sessions. Now I am waiting for LO to wake up for his feeding and we're an hour past. Tick, tock. I'm full and wondering - do I pump? (and risk not having enough for LO if he wakes?- I never get as much when I pump as I could when I nurse) OR, do I wait and feed him and risk plugged ducts. 

I really wish I didn't have to pump... anyone else going through this?


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