
Essure vs tubal

I am due in May w/ #2 and will be having another c-section.  I will be 44 so we are done, done, done.  I asked about a tubal ligation after the c-section at my last OB appointment, and my doctor gave me a brochure about "Essure" which doesn't seem to be the same thing.

Anyone know the difference and have experience or intel they can share?  I'm not sure if I should push for a regular tubal or if  "Essure"  is the way to go.

TTC#2 5+ yrs Me: 44 yrs DH: 34 yrs DS born 8/2007 MC 11/2008 (natural) MC 5/2011 (IVF) MC 12/20011 (IVF) BFP 9/2012!! (DE) EDD 5/25/2013 BabyFruit Ticker
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