
12-months: what does BF-ing look like for you?

Hi Ladies...DS is fast approaching his 1st birthday on Friday and we have been EBF (plus solids at 6 months) this entire time.  Wow.  I'm curious - what does BF'ing at 1 year look like for you?  DS is currently taking 5 3-oz bottles during the day, plus we nurse 3-5 times in the evening/night/morning (yes, still waking 1-3 times per night to nurse).  

For those who have been here - what words of advice do you have?  What were the major things that changed?  I imagine he will need less and less milk during the day and more solids, but how much milk is enough?   How do you manage nursing just a few times a day when only nursing one side at a time - do you get engorged?

In what order to the nursing sessions get weaned?  WIll we always nurse last thing before bed...? It sure feels like it!

Did you still pump at work after a year?  I am pumping 3x per day and hope to wean down to 1 time for another 6 months if I can handle it.  

Do you just give your LO water the rest of the day instead of any other kind of liquid if they are still bf-ing a few times a day? 

 I really appreciate your taking the time to read this and any insight you have.  I love this board and have been so fortunate to have read and learned so much from everyone here.  Thanks Ladies!! 

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