
Nipple Pain I need reassurance

My daughter is six days old and breastfeeding has not gone as expected. My nipples are very sore. I cry out when she first latches and it continues to hurt during the feeding but not quite as bad. It feels like a ripping burning pain. It is terrible. I didn't expect it to feel good but this is more pain than I expected. She is already primarily on formula due to problems at the beginning and I am working to get on track but it's hard when it hurts so bad. At first I thought it was a latch problem but we went to see a lactation consultant and even with her monitoring the latch it still hurt. I guess I'm hoping someone can help reassure me that the pain will get better with time. Surprisingly we are not having problems switching between bottle and breast. She knows how to nurse and likes to nurse I am just having difficulty with the pain. Any comments or suggestions are appreciated.
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