
Growth spurt at 4.5 weeks?

My LO barely slept last night, had a 3 hour nap at 5am, and hasn't slept more than 45 min at a time the rest of today. She typically takes 3 long naps during the day, and is fine with being put down during naps. Today she wakes up whenever I put her down and starts crying... And she has already spent more total time at the breast than she does on a normal day and it's only 6pm. I feel like she's sucking away and I have nothing left in there to feed her!

Did anyone else experience growth spurts around 4.5 weeks? This seems very similar to the 3 week growth spurt that started around 2.5 weeks for us... But I thought we would have at least another week before the fun of the 6 week spurt started...
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