
talk to me about oversupply

DS is 8 weeks old, and has been a pretty gassy, fussy baby during/after feedings since 2-3 weeks of age. Pedi put him on Zantac when he was 3 weeks, I eliminated all major dairy from my diet about a month ago, but I don't feel like I've seen a HUGE improvement. It wasn't until today that I realized I might have oversupply issues. His poop has always been normal looking, but he wets and poops so frequently and so much it's alarming. He gained a pretty sizable amount of weight in his first 3 weeks, and he spits up a ton. My letdown is also fairly uncomfortable, and when it occurs, he gulps and makes clicking noises.

That being said, this morning I got up at 515 to pump. I pumped 5 oz within 7 min or so, and stopped so I would have enough to feed him. He woke up at 530, earlier than I expected, and fed for 20 min,(which is pretty long for him)  and was the HAPPIEST I have seen him during/after a feeding. Only burped once, didn't seem uncomfortable.

So if you've had an oversupply, how did you  resolve it? How long did it take before you noticed a difference in your LO? I started back to work today and will only be pumping once in a 9-10 hour period since I'm a teacher and my schedule is pretty rigid. I pumped 10 oz in 10 minutes today, but I'm hoping that reducing the frequency will help. . . any experiences or advice you can offer??

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