Pregnant after IF

Baby B arrived after a long road!

This post is long overdue but will have to be short as I haven't quite gotten the hang of this whole taking care of/ breastfeeding a newborn and getting anything else done thing (it's afternoon and I'm still in pj's). The big news is that baby boy B arrived via unexpected c section on Dec 8. I went through 22 hrs of labor and although I did everything I could to avoid a c section, this guy would not come out the "conventional way," so off to surgery I went.

The last several weeks have been challenging beyond words, but it's pretty incredible to finally have a baby after nearly two years of TTC and then 41.5 weeks of pregnancy. He was due a year almost to the day I had a fallopian tube removed as part of my IF journey, and although he came into the world a few days late and not how I hoped it would happen, we are grateful he is here and healthy. Hang in there everyone, and see you in SAIF! 

TTC since 8/10.Hypothyroidism, put on Synthroid. Clomid 50 mg + IUI Oct '11 = BFN. HSG found blocked tube Nov '11. Lap + Hysteroscopy to remove tube and fix septum Dec '11. Cancelled following cycle due to lack of response to Clomid. Jan/Feb '12 Clomid 100mg + Folllitism + HSG + Vivelle Dot + IUI #2 = BFN. 3/30/12: Natural Cycle BFP - beta 59 @ 12dpo, beta 286 @ 16dpo Baby boy arrived 12/8/12!
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