

Who else has it? It's my LO but we both have to be treated.

It effing sucks! Sterilizing everything after each use totally blows and I'm going insane! Not to mention my nips burn. I've been FF him now because of the pain and the fear that he will never get rid of it if I keep BF. Probably an irrational fear but a fear non-the-less. LO hates taking the meds 4 times a day. LUCKILY his thrush isn't awful and gross. It's a small patch on the back of his tongue.

What are you doing if you or LO has thrush? Any tips to rid ourselves of this crap if you have it or have had this? Pedi gave LO Nystatin and just told me to rub some on my nips when he gets his dose. What did / do you do for the pain associated with thrush? I have shooting pains in my breasts.


Image and video hosting by TinyPic ....and yet he seems so proud of himself! Image and video hosting by TinyPic Bumper and baby Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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