Pregnant after IF

We officially have babies on board and a question

I wouldn't believe it if I didn't see it with my own 2 eyes. Today marks 6w1d and my first ultrasound. I'd be lying if I said that I was calm and excited about my ultrasound. Instead I sat in the waiting room sweating profusely and more anxious than I have ever been while on the IF rollercoaster. Fortunately I ended up with my favorite u/s tech who gets me. Before she could even say "You're being doubly blessed" I said "Oh my God, it's 2." Sure enough there are 2 little beans growing perfectly with heartbeats. We met with my RE after and he told me I was glowing. My next u/s is next Wednesday!

Is there a turning point where you finally began enjoying pregnancy instead of thinking "worst case"? I'm trying so hard to relax and enjoy this but I can't help but hear that annoying little voice in the back of my head telling me not to.

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