
Problems with pumping PLEASE help!

Hi All:

Breastfeeding is going well for us DD was 2 weeks yesterday. What I'm having problems with is pumping. I have an Ameda pump and I started trying to pump las Wed. (day after Christmas), each time I pump i get anywhere between 1/2 oz. to 1 1/2 oz. except yesterday I bottle fed her at her 5:00 feeding from what I had previously pumped and was able to pump 3 1/2 oz. out of one side an 1 oz out of the other.

I feel like I should be pumping alot more than I am? If express my breast after pumping by hand, I still have quite a bit of milk come out, could it be my pump or that I am not using the pump correctly?

DD eats until she is done when breastfeeding so I'm not really concerned that she is not getting enough, what I am concerned with is being able to have a good enough supply for her to still have breastmilk when I go back to work.  I feel frustrated after pumping like I'm not providing enough for her. 

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