
Dropping morning pump?

Hi ladies,

I return to work in a week. I have been pumping since my baby  was a few weeks old each morning after her first feeding. I get anywhere from 5-9 oz, so I have a pretty significant freezer stash. I pump when she takes a bottle, so I haven't used the stash at all. Once I go back to work, can I keep this pumping session on the days that I work and drop it on the weekends? I'm a little worried that if I drop it on the weekends, my breasts will never get emptied that day. She's been sleeping through the night for a couple of weeks (although I know she could regress when I start working!) and does not empty them when she wakes up because they are so full.

Also, since I don't have supply issues, if I wanted her to take one bottle on the weekend to run errands or go on a date with my husband, do I really have to replace that session with pumping every single time?

Thanks for your help! My first goal was three months, and we are almost there. I have found this board so helpful for questions and encouragement!

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