3rd Trimester

Hubby will be on work trip 2 wks before due date

So my husband just found out that work scheduled him to travel 2 weeks before my due date. He makes this trip about 3 times a year. He will be a 2 hour plane ride away. I got really upset when he told me this. I asked him if there is any way he can talk to his company and ask if someone can go in his place, or if they can go a bit earlier. He says that no, it is not possible. He says if I go into labor, he will get a flight home right away. 

My fear is that labor with my daughter was UNDER 6 hours, and I feel like by the time he gets to the airport, books a flight, flies home, and drives to the hospital, there is a chance I might be mostly through the labor and ready to deliver. I am also fearful that I will be home alone with my 21 month old daughter by myself at 38 weeks pregnant. My parents wont be able to help out. We have some family that can help- his parents are about an hour away and Im sure they will do whatever they can to help. And I have a couple close friends who can help. However, I dont want ANY of them in the delivery room with me- I am a private person and would only feel comfortable with my hubby there- so I am scared I will end up being all alone during labor.

I understand that work is important and he may not want to rock the boat. Do you think companies should be understanding of this and allow him not to go? His company was soooo wonderful when I had my daughter (he started working for them about 2 weeks before I gave birth) and made sure not to schedule my husband for any work trips in the month or so after I had her. So I feel like he should at least talk to someone and I dont understand why he wont even make an attempt. Am I overreacting? I mean... I would have no issue if this work trip was within driving distance, or say, 4 weeks before my due date. But 2 weeks before- it is so realistic that I could have the baby while he is away. It is also frustrating that my husband doesnt seem to think this is a big deal.

 UGH! :( 

IAmPregnant Ticker
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